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The Writer's Roadmap
Section 1: Laying A Foundation For Writing
Section 1 Notes
Section 1: Intro (2:28)
Lesson 1: Three Reasons Why You Should Write (6:55)
Lesson 2: Excuses People Use To Not Write (8:18)
Lesson 3: General Advice About Writing (12:47)
Section 2: Developing Your Book Idea
Section 2 Notes
Section 2: Intro (3:24)
Lesson 1: See The Completed Book (9:12)
Lesson 2: What Do People Want (9:50)
Section 3 - The Writing Process
Section 3 Notes
Intro (1:33)
General Info (8:48)
How To Write Your Book In Ten Days (9:37)
Questions To Ask Yourself While Writing (11:27)
Lesson 3 - Production and Promotion
Section 4 - Notes
Intro (2:13)
Why Edit Your Book (3:25)
Edit Your Book In Five Days (6:56)
Design Elements (2:13)
Front and Back Cover Design (2:47)
Book Layout (1:56)
Book Description (4:03)
Author Bio and Picture (5:06)
Publishing and Promotion Tips (8:06)
Conclusion (2:01)
Offers and Bonuses
The Formula for Success E-book
One on One Author Coaching Offer (0:43)
The Writer's Roadmap Live Class Replays (Nights 1-4) (439:03)
Section 4 - Notes
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